Monday, September 16, 2024

NCDOT awards $6M in projects for Brunswick County

BRUNSWICK COUNTY — Two major transportation projects are slated to begin as early as next month in Brunswick County, totaling nearly $6 million.

N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) awarded contracts for the replacement of the N.C. 87 bridge over the Batarora Branch west of Leland and for 10 miles of repaved roadway.

ES Wagner Co. LLC out of of Piedmont, South Carolina will replace the 1973 bridge, which has become obsolete for today’s traffic. According to a press release, the bridge’s substructures would require more maintenance to keep it functioning safely.

The replacement bridge will cost roughly $1.5 million and work should begin this spring. The road will be closed while crews work, and they have eight months to complete the project.

A marked detour take travelers to U.S. 17, I-140 and U.S. 74, returning to N.C. 87 in the Sandy Creek community.

Contractor S.T. Wooten Corp. of Wilson will begin $4.8 million worth of repaving work next month. Crews will resurface 4 miles of U.S. 17 in Leland, between the U.S. 74 interchange and east of Hewett-Burton Road. They will also repave a 6-mile stretch of Green Hill Road south of Leland.

The work will require periodic lane closures over small sections of U.S. 17, so the contractor plans to work at night from 8 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. All road resurfacing should be complete by spring of 2023.

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