Saturday, September 14, 2024

Board of Commissioners to hold several public hearings for rezonings

NEW HANOVER COUNTY — After months of delays and cancellations due to Covid-19, rezoning requests and other similar zoning issues are slowly making their way back to the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners.

Public hearings have been difficult to host due to the virus, but on July 13, 4 p.m., the county will hold several public hearings for different rezoning requests. All of the requests have been through the county’s planning board where they were not all met with favorable votes.

At least one of the proposed rezonings has been met with resistance from neighbors with concerns due to traffic and more.

Northchase rezoning

Developers hope to rezone a 10,35 site in the Northcase neighborhood to allow denser residential construction. (Port City Daily photo / New Hanover County Planning and Zoning)
Developers hope to rezone a 10.35-acre site in the Northchase neighborhood to allow denser residential construction. (Port City Daily photo / New Hanover County Planning and Zoning)

Item 1: Rezoning Request (Z19-12) – “Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Raiford G. Trask Jr. Rev Trust, to rezone approximately 10.35 acres of land located north of the 3300 block of Paramount Way in the Northchase Planned Development, and south of Interstate 140, from O&I, Office and Institutional District, and R-15 Residential District, to R-5, Moderate-High Residential District.  At their January 9, 2020 meeting, the Planning Board voted (3-3) on a motion of denial. This item was appealed to the Board of Commissioners and continued at the March 9, 2020 Board of Commissioners meeting (4-0), however, it was not heard in April, May, and June due to the COVID-19 situation,” according to the county.

Trinity Reformed Orthodox Church

Item 2: Rezoning Request (Z20-04) – “Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, Trinity Reformed Orthodox Church, to rezone approximately 3 acres of land located at 4725 South College Road from R-15, Residential District, to (CZD) R-5, Moderate-High Residential District, in order to construct a 22-unit townhome development. At their March 5, 2020 meeting, the Planning Board recommended denial (3-2). This item was appealed to the Board of Commissioners but was not heard in April, May, and June due to the COVID-19 situation,” according to the county.

Demarest Pointe

Residents have been outspoken about their thoughts on the proposed townhome development off Middlesound Loop. (Port City Daily/File)

Item 3: Rezoning Request (Z20-09) – “Request by Middlesound LLC, to rezone approximately 3.35 acres of land located in the 500 block of Middle Sound Loop Road, adjacent to the Middle Sound Loop roundabout, from R-20, Residential District, to (CZD) R-5, Conditional Moderate-High Residential District, in order to construct a 24-unit townhome development. At their June 4, 2020 meeting, the Planning Board recommended approval with conditions (4-2),” according to the county.

Related: Middle Sound Loop townhome project raises traffic concerns for neighbors

This development, in particular, has caused ire from neighbors who oppose the rezoning citing traffic concerns and the location near a school.

Forest Lane

Item 4: Rezoning Request (Z20-11) – “Request by Lee Kaess, PLLC on behalf of the property owner, Lester R. and Suzanne B. Edwards, to rezone approximately 2.18 acres of land located in the 100 block of Forest Lane, adjacent to the intersection of Castle Hayne Road and N. 23rd Street, from R-15, Residential District, to (CZD) O&I, Conditional Office and Institutional District, to operate a personal services and office establishment. At their June 4, 2020 meeting, the Planning Board recommended approval with conditions (7-0),” according to the county.

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