Monday, Jan. 8
Wilmington City Council will hold an agenda briefing at 8:30 a.m. at city hall, 102 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube.
The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will meet at 4 p.m. at the NHC Historic Courthouse, 24 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on NHCTV and YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:
- New Hanover Community Endowment update
- A request from Blue Ridge Atlantic Development to designate Better Homes for North Carolina the payee for its workforce housing award. Read PCD coverage here.
- A public hearing on a rezoning request continued from Dec. 11 for 33.54 acres for a maximum of 348 single-family attached units. Read PCD coverage here.
The Brunswick Planning Board will meet at 6 p.m. at the David R. Sandifer Administration Building, 30 Government Center Dr. in Bolivia. A few items on the agenda include:
- A proposed rezoning of approximately 4 acres located on Seaside Road from commercial low density and medium density residential districts to high density residential and commercial low density.
- A proposed rezoning of approximately 6.6 acres on Holden Beach Road from medium and high density residential districts to the commercial low density district.
Tuesday, Jan. 9
RESCHEDULED TO JAN. 16 DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER Wilmington City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. at city hall, 102 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:
- Appropriating $9 million in grant funding from the NC Office of Recovery and Resiliency toward the development of phase I and II of the Starway Village Project, a 278-unit affordable housing multifamily development to be located at 2346 Carolina Beach Road.
- Appropriating $1.847 million from the sale of surplus properties to pay down debt on the purchase of the Skyline Center.
- Presentation on the city’s strategic plan
CANCELED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER — The New Hanover County Board of Elections will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the Longleaf Room, 1241 A Military Cutoff Road. Limited in-person seating will be available and the public can call in by dialing 1-336-218-2051 and entered conference ID 840 408 727 followed by pound sign. This meeting is livestreamed here. Public comments are welcome by Jan. 8, noon, by emailing newhanover.boe@nhcgov.com. An agenda was not posted by press.
Town of Burgaw Board of Commissioners will meet at 4:30 p.m. at 108 E. Wilmington St. A few items on the agenda include:
- A public hearing for rezoning from R-12 to R-7 for 40 three-bedroom townhomes on Timberly Lane
- Citizen early input for the FY 24-25 budget
- An update on public works expansion project
The Wrightsville Beach Planning Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. in town hall, 321 Causeway Drive. An agenda was not posted by press.
RESCHEDULED TO JAN. 10 AT 6 P.M. – The Carolina Beach Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. in town hall, 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. Meetings are live streamed here. The agenda includes:
- 2024 parking policy discussion
- Public hearing on a conditional zoning modification to consider an outdoor drinking and serving area as well as landscaping for the event venue/bar at 205 Charlotte Ave. in the Central Business District
- Appropriate funds for Ocean Sidewalk Paving Project
The Pender County Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. in the Dr. Katherine Herring Resource Center, 798 US Highway 117 S. Meetings are live streamed here. The agenda includes:
- PCS 23-24 budget and budget resolution
- PCS 22-23 financial statements and audit report
RESCHEDULED TO JAN. 16 DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER — The Brunswick County Board of Education will meet at 6 p.m. in the conference room of The Center of Applied Sciences and Technology, 1109 Old Ocean Highway. Meetings are live streamed here. The agenda includes:
- Distribution of teacher cell phone survey
The New Hanover County Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. in the Board of Education Center, 1805 S. 13th St. Meetings are live streamed here. The agenda includes:
- Board budget priorities
- Career Readiness Academy at Mosley
- Vogel Law Firm
RESCHEDULED TO JAN. 16 DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER — The Oak Island Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. in town hall, 4601 E. Oak Island Drive. Meetings are live streamed here. The agenda includes:
- A quasi-judicial hearing for a special use permit for a hotel in the commercial recreational zoning district located at 1425 E. Beach Drive
- Public hearing on proposed text amendments to Chapter 32 of the Code of Ordinances on vegetation
- Consideration of a policy for processing code of ethics complaints against appointed and elected officials
- Consideration of major site plan review – Pine Forest Quads
The Southport Board of Aldermen will hold a special meeting at 1:30 p.m. in the Indian Trail Meeting Hall, 113 W. Moore St. Meetings are live streamed here. The purpose of the meeting is to have an orientation session for the aldermen. Many topics will be discussed including open meetings laws, roles and responsibilities, meeting types, and public records.
Pender County Board of Elections meets at 6 p.m. at 807 Walker St. in Burgaw. An agenda was not posted by press.
RESCHEDULED TO FEBRUARY DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER — The Wilmington Housing Authority Community Outreach and Resident Services Committee will meet at 3 p.m. at Hillcrest, 1402 Meares St.
CANCELED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER — The Belville Planning Board will meets at 6:30 p.m., 63 River Rd. The agenda includes addressing a board vacancy and transportation update.
Wednesday, Jan. 10
Wilmington Planning Commission will meet at 6 p.m. at city hall, 102 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:
- A land development code ordinance pertaining to bona fide farms in excess of 10 acres. Read PCD coverage here.
- A conditional rezoning for 0.61 acres at 101 and 105 Westwood Drive from manufactured housing district to medium-density mixed residential for a four-lot single-dwelling development
- A traffic impact analysis presentation from WMPO, NCDOT and city traffic engineering
The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority board will meet at 9 a.m. at 230 Government Center Dr. Items on the agenda include updates from the executive director and committee reports.
Topsail Beach Board of Commissioners will meet at 6 p.m. at town hall, 820 S. Anderson Blvd. The meeting can be livestreamed here. An agenda was not posted by press but can be found here when available.
Surf City Town Council will meet at 4:30 p.m. at 214 W. Florence Way. The meeting can be livestreamed on YouTube.
The Navassa Planning Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. at 334 Main St. An agenda was not posted by press.
The Southport Board of Aldermen will hold a special meeting at 9 a.m. in the Indian Trail Meeting Hall, 113 W. Moore St. Meetings are live streamed here. The purpose of the meeting is for the aldermen to have open discussion about the potential water/wastewater utility merger with Brunswick County. Other topics discussed include staffing levels of several departments and the financial aspects of a merger.
Thursday, Jan. 11
The Wrightsville Beach Town Council will meet at 5:30 p.m. in town hall, 321 Causeway Drive. The agenda includes:
- Presentation of the FY22-23 Audit Report
- Consider approval of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Priority Projects List
- Update on lifeguard stand replacement project
Surf City Shoreline and Resiliency Committee will meet at 9 a.m. at 214 W. Florence Way.
Surf City Planning Board will meet at 4 p.m. at 214 W. Florence Way. The meeting can be livestreamed on YouTube.
North Topsail Beach Planning Board will meet at 6 p.m. at town hall, 2008 Loggerhead Court.
The Wilmington Historic Preservation Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. at city hall, 102 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube. The agenda includes improvements to roofing, exterior alterations and accessory structures on residences in the historic district.
The Leland Economic Development Committee will meet at 6 p.m. at 102 Town Hall Dr. The agenda includes an economic development report by economic and community development director Barnes Sutton.
The Carolina Beach Planning and Zoning Commission will meet at 6 p.m. in town hall, 1121 N. Lake Park Blvd. Meetings are live streamed here. An agenda was not posted by press.
The Southport Board of Aldermen will hold a meeting at 6 p.m. in the Southport Community Building, 223 E. Bay St. Meetings are live streamed here. An agenda was not posted by press.
The Wilmington Housing Authority Finance and Development Committee will meet at 8:30 a.m. at the WHA main office, 1524 S. 16th St.
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