UPDATE: West Brunswick High School’s shelter in place was lifted around 10 a.m. Additional deputies are on campus today for added security.
BRUNSWICK COUNTY –– West Brunswick High School is under a shelter-in-place order as of 9:19 a.m., according to an update shared by Brunswick County Schools’ spokesperson.
The Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.
At 7:50 a.m. the district announced the sheriff’s office was investigating a potential threat to Shallotte Middle School. According to a sheriff’s office spokesperson Emily Flax, a bomb threat was called into Ocean Isle Beach Police Department early this morning.
Parents who dropped their children off early were asked to return to retrieve them and buses full of students were rerouted to a safe location. By 8:36 a.m., deputies had cleared the school and the district announced no threat was identified. Students were permitted to return.
The school was cleared to ensure there was no danger to students and staff, Flax said. “We take these threats seriously,” she said. Communicating a threat to a school is a class H felony, with a sentencing possibility of 25 years in prison, Flax pointed out.
The interruptions come the day following a shooting in a crowded catwalk in New Hanover High School, leaving one student injured. It is unclear if the incidents are connected in any way.
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