Living outside the floodplain, many Stoney Creek residents were told they didn’t need flood insurance — but rising waters after Hurricane Florence destroyed nearly every house in the neighborhood. There’s a plan to keep that from happening again, but it would be complicated, and unprecedented. READ MORE
Stoney Creek residents ask for an unprecedented buyout, Leland backs their request
To many residents, Hampstead already feels like its own town, but plans are afoot to make it officially its own municipality, complete with its own police force, fire department, mayor and town council, and more. How much would it cost, and how would it actually happen? READ MORE
Plan to turn Hampstead into a real city moves forward, here’s what it looks like
Over 200 resident of the public-private low-income housing complex were told to vacate this week. Turns out, they were the last to know, ten days after federal, county, and city officials were alerted to the impending evictions. READ MORE
Local and federal officials met before Wilmington evictions, but say they couldn’t warn tenants
When her son, diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, went off his medication, Barbara Farmer took out a court order to have him taken to the hospital. But when police attempted to arrest Hiram Farmer, things got violent, and Hiram ended up held down by police officers and punched repeatedly in the face by a deputy. How did this happen? And could it have gone differently? READ MORE
The proposed floating bar, like the popular Anne Bonny’s in Wilmington, met with strong resistance from would-be neighbors. READ MORE
Residents speak out against Carolina Beach Marina expansion plans for floating bar