Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Newsroom Podcast July 28 — Southport shutdown, MOTSU’s blast radius, Carolina Beach

Our weekly podcast takes a deeper look at recent stories, answers reader questions, and goes behind the scenes of the Port City Daily newsroom.

We kick off this week’s podcast with a shock in Southport: Police Chief Gary Smith and his top Lieutenant Michael Simmons arrested, the entire Southport Police Department shut down indefinitely, and the Brunswick County Sheriff’s Office assumed control of policing the town.

We break down what happened, and lay out some of the questions for the coming days.  And we take a moment to address District Attorney Jon David’s comments that the media turned out for the “salacious details.”

Next up, the Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point, or MOTSU. The massive ammunition shipping terminal has been around since the 1950s, but many people know next to nothing about what MOTSU does — or what risks might come along with a facility that moves upward of 50 million pounds of explosives at a given time.

We take a look behind our recent reporting, including how more information about MOTSU’s blast radius came to light. Then, a look ahead to Monday’s public meetings where, for the first time, the military will answer questions directly to the public.

Last, a quick trip to Carolina Beach, where the town’s Island Greenway – which was been in the works for year – is finally under construction, and some people are not happy with the way it looks. How did the project end up looking, in Mayor Joe Benson’s words, “like a prison?” We get into it.

And lastly, a possible happy ending for the Pender County non-profit Fresh Start Rescue. The volunteer group has stepped in on several occasions to help Pender’s animal control division handle snakes and reptiles, but the county’s dangerous animal ordinance prevents them from holding education events or housing some of the snakes they rescue. Although initially the group was at loggerheads with the Pender Board of Commissioners, it seems like there may be an opportunity for a fresh discussion.

If you missed any of these stories, you can catch up below — then take a deeper dive with our weekly podcast.

Latest Update: Sheriff takes over in Southport after police chief arrested, department ‘functionally closed’

New documents show most of Carolina Beach, parts of Leland in MOTSU blast zone

Carolina Beach residents say planned fencing ‘looks like a prison’

Pender relies on non-profit for reptile rescue, but ordinance blocks some of group’s efforts

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