Thursday, January 16, 2025

Podcast September 22 – Red-light redux, NCDOT financial woes, voting record discrepancies

We start this week with a return to Wilmington’s red-light camera program. According to city officials, the program cuts down on traffic accidents and saves lives. But, at the same time, the program has raised questions about constitutional rights, engineering questions, and violations of state law.

On the last topic, specifically, American Traffic Solutions – Wilmington’s red-light camera company – was notified last year that they were in violation of state law. They still are, but the city is going ahead with another year-long contract extension.

Next up, we tackle NCDOT’s financial woes. How did the department end up short hundreds of millions of dollars, why did the state order an external audit, and what does it all mean for Wilmington area projects?

Plus, the latest issues from the New Hanover County School district and the strange case of the Oak Island mayoral candidate who swears he never voted in Columbus County, despite considerable evidence (including eyewitnesses, signed documents, and voter records) to the contrary.

If you missed any of these stories you can catch up below, then take a deeper dive with our weekly podcast.

Wilmington city council extends contract with red-light company that’s still in violation of state law

Map Act, natural disasters, and uncertain revenues: Why NCDOT is scraping the bottom of its cash reserves barrel

NCDOT funding impacts for Wilmington region: Kerr interchange delayed, Gordon Road widening expedited

After going public with concerns, NHCS employee says she was asked to sign backdated evaluation

After alleging discrimination, harassment, and safety issues, NHCS ‘whistle blower’ got demotion, pay cut

Oak Island mayoral candidate says he hasn’t voted in years. Records say otherwise.

Hurricane Alley’s gets permission to expand rooftop; town built sidewalk on their property without permission

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