BRUNSWICK COUNTY — Brunswick County Schools has scheduled an additional public information session to review draft redistricting options.
The county’s redistricting consultant, CropperGIS, has crafted new elementary and middle school assignment changes that could go into effect this upcoming academic year.
Related: Draft school redistricting maps released in Brunswick County, public info session to review options
Originally, Brunswick County Schools (BCS) planned to host two public information sessions with the possibility for the school board to review new options in December. Now, BCS will host a total of three public information sessions with its recently-added December meeting and hold off until mid-January for a possible board decision.
CropperGIS’ options can be viewed online. Existing school districts can be viewed on the CropperGIS online interactive map, where new draft options can be viewed under the “layers” option.
Dates to keep in mind
- Survey: The public input survey closes at midnight Dec. 8.
- Third info session: BCS’ third public information session will be held Monday, Dec. 16. It will begin at 6 p.m. at North Brunswick High School.
- Board review:
- The BCS School Board will be presented draft options for the first time for review the next day, Dec. 17, at Committee meetings which begin at 3 p.m.
- At the regular Jan. 7, 2020 Board of Education meeting, the board will welcome community feedback during an extended public comment period.
- The following week, Jan. 14, 220, the board will call a special meeting to select new assignments.
Keep up with school assignment updates on Brunswick County Schools’ redistricting page.
Send tips and comments to Johanna Ferebee at johanna@localvoicemedia.com