Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Commissioner Morgan Mehler seeks second term on Belville’s Board of Commissioners [Free read]

Commissioner Morgan Mehler is running for a seat on Belville's Board of Commissioners. (Port City Daily photo/Courtesy Morgan Mehler)
Commissioner Morgan Mehler is running for a seat on Belville’s Board of Commissioners. (Port City Daily photo/Courtesy Morgan Mehler)

BELVILLE — Commissioner Morgan Mehler is seeking to be elected for a second term on Belville’s Board of Commissioners.

Mehler first was appointed to the board in 2018.

Author’s note: Port City Daily’s candidate interviews are largely unedited. Edits have only been made to correct spelling or grammatical errors. Candidates were not given word or character limits to answer each question. Mehler partially-completed questionnaire appears below:

What is your campaign platform?

I look forward to guiding Belville past its current legal matters so it may continue on its path of slow and responsible growth.

What makes you qualified to serve as a Commissioner?

I was appointed in 2018, so the work has just begun. Our young family has been living in
Belville for nearly 4 years, and plans to do so for many, many more. I am an attorney and
businessman and I hope my experience can continue to be an asset to the town moving

What are the top three issues Belville is facing right now and what’s your position on these issues?

Primarily we need to resolve the two lawsuits that predate my appointment to the
Commission, once this is achieved we can get back on track toward responsible and
reasonable growth for our town.

Do you agree with how 2017 Belville Commissioners and outgoing H2GO Commissioners orchestrated the transfer outside of public review or knowledge? Why or why not?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

Where would you like to see Belville in five years? What features, projects, or plans would you like to see in place at that point?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

Should Belville grow through annexation, or work to support its existing boundaries and residents?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

Are you comfortable with the amount of public funds spent toward paying for the H2GO lawsuit? Do you think it was and has been worth it to spend so much?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

What is one action/vote Belville got wrong in 2017-2019?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

What is one action/vote Belville got right in 2017-2019?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

Anything else you’d like to share with voters?

Editor’s note: Mehler did not respond to this question. If he provides answers in the future, this article will be updated.

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