The Wrightsville Beach Brewery was holding a mid-afternoon charity event when a Wilmington Police Department officer issues a noise citation. The brewery’s owner has questions about the confusing and seemingly arbitrary nature of the fines.
Brewery owner: Noise citation at charity concert sets unhealthy precedent for Wilmington music scene
Residents of the greater Wilmington area were chosen by the restaurant chain as test subjects for their new pimento cheese biscuits. So far, it seems people are okay with that.
Bojangles’ testing pimento cheese biscuits — only available in greater Wilmington area
Who initiated the takeover of Leland’s award-winning EMS service by Brunswick County? Why was the service costing so much money? What sounds like a mundane bureaucratic transfer has been surprisingly passionate.
What’s going on with transfer of Leland EMS to Brunswick County?
Leland and its police department have still not commented on the accident, in which an officer ran a red light an t-boned another car.
Update: Leland officer ‘failed to yield’ at red light prior to crash, $20,000 in damage
The NCDOT allows a small percentage of bridge project funds to go to nearby landscaping. When you’ve got a $50 million bridge — that ends up being a tidy sum. Find out what Surf City is doing with it.
NCDOT finalizing designs for $500,000 landscape project in Surf City