Monday, February 10, 2025

ICYMI – WPD officer crash follow-up, CBD stores take off, Board of Education questions

A Wilmington woman alleges her ex-boyfriend, a special operations Marine, punched in the face repeatedly, leaving her with lasting pain, disfigurement, and vision problems. Now she fears an obscure legal maneuver will allow the man to strike a plea bargain without admitting guilt. READ MORE

Wilmington woman fears MARSOC ex-boyfriend who allegedly punched her in face repeatedly will get plea bargain

According to officials in Surf City and Topsail Beach, there has been no movement in Washington when it comes to federal funding for beach renourishment. So, the towns are going ahead – without any assurances of outside funding – with a $10 million plan. READ MORE

Topsail Island beach nourishment projects move forward with no assurances of federal funding

The passage of the congressional Farm Bill seems to have inspired an increase in CBD stores around the state of North Carolina, including two new ones in Wilmington. READ MORE

Opening of Your CBD Store in midtown Wilmington is second new cannabidiol retailer this year

After several contentious — and confusing — weeks for the newly sworn-in Board of Education, questions have arisen about recent activities and the board’s position on calls for an internal investigation. READ MORE

Questions for the New Hanover County Board of Education: Closed session vote, investigation, private settlements?

A follow-up to a story from last month: the Wilmington Police Officer who ran headlong into a car stopped at a red light won’t receive a moving violation. Although other officers responding to the scene found the WPD officer was responsible for the wreck, the city says officers are often dealt internally instead of facing traffic violations. READ MORE

No citation in ‘distracted’ Wilmington police officer crash, city ‘safety committee’ will review instead

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