Sunday, September 8, 2024

Do you walk around Carolina Beach? Tell them what you think

In 2016, the town was awarded a grant to put together a comprehensive pedestrian plan, aimed to be used as a tool to help "prioritize, fund and implement" new projects in the area. (Port City Daily photo)
In 2016, the town was awarded a grant to put together a comprehensive pedestrian plan, aimed to be used as a tool to help “prioritize, fund and implement” new projects in the area. (Port City Daily photo)

CAROLINA BEACH — As the Town of Carolina Beach continues to grow, so do the needs of its citizens. In 2016, the town was awarded a grant to put together a comprehensive pedestrian plan, which will be used as a tool to help “prioritize, fund and implement” new projects in the area.

In light of this, the town has launched a survey to receive public input on the plan. Questions are aimed at understanding existing behaviors and identifying barriers that may discourage walking.

By participating in the survey, and entering your contact information at the end, you are entered to win a $50 Visa gift card, courtesy of the Town of Carolina Beach.

Questions range from simple inquiries like, “Do you currently walk in/around Carolina Beach?” and “How do you rate the overall network of existing sidewalks and multi-use paths?”, to more in depth questions like, “In your opinion, which of the following discourage you from walking more frequently?” Which goes on to list options like “lack of connected sidewalks,” and “limited parking at convenient and centralized locations.”

The survey also explores bigger transportation issues, like “What driving behaviors would, if changed, encourage you to walk more?” These questions touch on contentious issues like cell phone use in cars, applying makeup, and lack of eye contact between drivers and pedestrians.

Many of these questions leave open space, so you’ll have room to writes notes to the town for what you would like to see changed.

For information, visit the town’s website at, or follow it on Facebook. To take the survey, visit

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