WILMINGTON — This has been a year of growth and progress for the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra!

The organization is especially excited to now be performing concerts in the spacious, acoustically engineered Wilson Center, which is perfectly aligned with its plans to increase the accessibility of the orchestra in the community. As the Cape Fear Region’s local symphony, the symphony is proud to be active in downtown Wilmington’s vibrant cultural life.

An ongoing and distinguishing attribute of the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra is its commitment to youth education that engages a rising generation of young musicians. The Wilmington Symphony Youth Orchestra is now in its 15th season.
The Wilmington Symphony Orchestra remains committed to a strong and enduring partnership with UNCW, and is delighted to be expanding its role as an educational resource for Cape Fear Community College’s growing Department of Humanities and Fine Arts.
The public’s support is important to help the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra keep pace with rising production costs, navigate operational challenges, and expand community engagement.
The Wilmington Symphony Orchestra would like to ask for your help by making a tax-deductible contribution in the new year. For more information visit wilmingtonsymphony.org.
-Content provided by The Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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