Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Cape Fear Festival of Trees set to open at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher

Cape Fear Festival of Trees features dozens of beautifully decorated Christmas trees. Staff photo.
Cape Fear Festival of Trees features dozens of beautifully decorated Christmas trees. (Photo courtesy of Lower Cape Fear Hospice).

KURE BEACH — The Lower Cape Fear Hospice “Festival of Trees” will take place at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher.

Visitors can catch the bright lights of this annual Cape Fear tradition from Nov. 21 through Dec. 4. More than 45 decorated holiday trees will be displayed in the aquatic setting of the aquarium, including the entrance to the giant tank-room and hurricane simulator.

All visitors who purchase a general admission ticket to the aquarium during this time experience the Cape Fear Festival of Trees. Proceeds benefit the Lower Cape Fear Hospice to continue their mission to provide care and comfort to patients with life-limiting illness, support and counseling to families, and education to the community.

“Our generous sponsors and every visitor to the aquarium during the Cape Fear Festival of Trees should know that they are helping to give the gift of hospice to those in need as well as healing the hearts of those who have lost a loved one,” said Lindsey Champion, development manager, Lower Cape Fear Hospice.

The North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher will light up in holiday cheer with each tree presented by a generous sponsor or group of sponsors, including the event’s presenting sponsor, First Citizens Bank.

“These gorgeous sparkling trees fill the aquarium with holiday wonder and warmth and the event it is a great way to treat your family, friends and out of town visitors to a one of a kind experience.”

The North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher at 900 Loggerhead Road at Kure Beach. Click here for more information about the Lower Cape Fear Hospice.

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