Tuesday, September 17, 2024

ICYMI: CFM Bridge westbound lanes to close Monday night

Cape Fear Memorial Bridge will close westbound lanes into Brunswick County Monday evening. (Port City Daily/Shea Carver)

SOUTHEASTERN N.C. — The second phase of the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge preservation project will get underway Monday evening, meaning lane closures for at least another month-and-a-half.

READ MORE: Lanes and intersection closures, expansions for next phase of CFM Bridge construction

Starting at 7 p.m., the North Carolina Department of Transportation is closing the westbound lanes on downtown’s Cape Fear Memorial Bridge. Travelers moving from Wilmington into Brunswick County will need to take a different route (see detour maps below):

  • From downtown along Third Street to Isabel Stellings Holmes Bridge
  • From N. College Road to MLK Parkway to Isabel Stallings Holmes Bridge
  • From N. College Road to I-40 to I-140

Triple turn lanes have been installed at the North College Road intersection to turn left onto Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway to accommodate heavier traffic being rerouted to Isabel Holmes.

As well, a left turn lane has closed from U.S. 421 South onto Isabel Holmes; drivers traveling south on 421 will need to cross the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge to get back into Wilmington.

Traffic signals, particularly at Third and Dawson streets will be monitored closely with signal timing altered as need be to alleviate congestion.

Barricades are being placed on Third Street intersections — Queen, Church, Nun and Orange — to prevent left-hand turns during the duration of the project.

Work will begin April 9; crews are replacing all stringers and decks for 12 bays of the bridge. The lanes will remain shuttered until the project is completed. NCDOT set a May 23 deadline for Southern Road and Bridge to complete the project; if it’s met, the contractor will receive a $500,000 bonus.

Detour maps from downtown to Isabel Holmes Bridge. (Courtesy NCDOT)
Detour map from College Road to I-140. (Courtesy NCDOT)

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Shea Carver
Shea Carver
Shea Carver is the editor in chief at Port City Daily. A UNCW alumna, Shea worked in the print media business in Wilmington for 22 years before joining the PCD team in October 2020. She specializes in arts coverage — music, film, literature, theatre — the dining scene, and can often be tapped on where to go, what to do and who to see in Wilmington. When she isn’t hanging with her pup, Shadow Wolf, tending the garden or spinning vinyl, she’s attending concerts and live theater.

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