The Winter Park All Star team represented the Eastern US at the Pony International World Series.
While able to make it past Indonesia, beating them twice, Mexico ended up eliminating the team in the semi-finals. California ultimately beat Mexico for the Championship.
The Winter Park 10U team looks forward to competing for another trip to the World Series next year, according to Coach Chris Vargo.
Stats on the 2017 team:
- 12-2 overall Pony tournament record;
- 2 losses were by a total of only three runs;
- 2-2 World Series Record: 12-2 and 15-14 wins over Indonesia; 12-11 and 9-7 losses to Mexico;
- Winter Park 10U all stars placed third Nationally out of 3,101 10-year-old teams in Pony;
- Winter Park player Luke Vargo earned the World Series batting title;
- The Winter Park team received a behind-the-scenes tour of LSU Baseball thanks to Coach Scalf;
- The team played in a benefit game as mentors to the Tri County Elite Special Needs Team;
- All the boys made a lot of great friends and swapped jerseys with Chicago and Indonesia.
“These boys did a great job representing Wilmington, The State of North Carolina, and the Eastern US on an international stage,” Vargo wrote in an email.
Submitted by Chris Vargo
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