Sunday, October 6, 2024

Dosher Wound Care Center earns national ‘Center for Excellence’ award

The Wound Care team at Dosher poses with its national 'Center for Excellence' award. (Courtesy of James Gross)
The Wound Care team at Dosher Memorial Hospital poses with its national ‘Center for Excellence’ award. (Courtesy of James Gross)

SOUTHPORT — After achieving an impressive 95 percent “heal rate” during its first year in operation, the wound care team at Dosher Memorial Hospital improved performance to a 97 percent heal rate in year two. For this accomplishment, U.S. wound care authority Healogics has named Dosher as a Robert A. Warriner III, MD, “Center of Excellence” for wound healing.

Dr. Warriner was a pioneer in wound care.

“Our team of doctors, nurses and technicians provided more than 4,000 wound treatments the past two years, saving countless limbs and dozens of lives,” Dr. Brad Hilaman, medical director, Dosher wound care program, said. “While we didn’t seek this recognition, it’s wonderful to receive it on behalf of our patients.”

“This is the third wound care center I’ve operated and the first that has achieved this high level of performance so quickly. It’s great to help so many patients with their diabetic foot ulcers and other chronic wounds,” John Stone, CHRN, Wound Care Center director, said.

While improving health outcomes, Dosher’s Wound Care Center also treated 45 percent more patients in 2016 than the prior year. Most patients are referred to the Center by their family doctor or other physicians, but people can obtain care at the Dosher Wound Care Center without a prescription.

Dosher operates the only hospital-based wound care center in Pender, New Hanover or Brunswick Counties. Based in Jacksonville, Florida, Healogics is the leading wound care organization in the United States.

-Content provided by James Gross, Dosher Memorial Hospital

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