Brunswick County Teen Court–a partnership between Communities in Schools and the District Attorney’s Office–will be in session on Tuesday.
Teen court will take place 6 to 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Brunswick County Courthouse. In teen court, a diversionary court for first-time juvenile offenders, students are trained to serve as attorneys, jurors, bailiffs, and clerks in real cases. Student volunteers get a hands-on educational experience, which helps them better understand our system of justice, according to Todd Beane, spokesman for Communities in Schools of Brunswick County, Inc.
Juvenile offenders participating in this diversion program save the county at least $2,000 per case. In 2014-2015, 81 defendants were served and 93 student volunteers participated in the program, Beane said.
For more information about teen court, or to volunteer, contact Director Erin Hagen at 253-4087 or
Communities in Schools of Brunswick County is part of the national Communities in Schools network. Communities in Schools operates programs in 17 schools in Brunswick County. Working closely with schools and partner organizations, Communities in Schools serves more than 3,100 young people and their families each year.
Learn more about Communities in Schools of Brunswick County at