Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Podcast May 4 – CFPUA mix-up, eminent domain, eliminate the ABC?

We kick off this week with a mix-up at CFPUA’s facility handling southern New Hanover County, which accidentally released sulfur dioxide — instead of chlorine — into drinking water. How did the mix-up happen and who was responsible?

And, speaking of CFPUA, we checked in with the utility about the apparently-forgotten plan to change its name. Last year, Cape Fear Public Utility Authority announced it would change its name to Cape Fear Water. The utility said the change was unrelated to any public relations issue — and also said the rebranding wouldn’t cost anything. The name change didn’t happen, but questions remain about certain aspects of the plan.

We give a quick shoutout to the naming contest for the new free downtown trolley. While WAVE did not consider our suggestion of Streetcar McTrolleyface, they do have five finalists. You can — and should — vote here.

Next up, we check in with a follow-up on three lawsuits involving the city’s use of eminent domain to secure space for the public-private River Place project. We get into what the plan was, what went wrong, and how much it cost the city.

Then, the conclusion of the long, strange case of Justin Brochure, son of Oak Island Mayor Cin Brochure. The investigation was full of apparent coincidences — including the resignation of two police chiefs and the reassignment of the lead detective on the case — that raised serious questions, some of which were never answered. Now that Justin Brochure has accepted a plea deal, the case has legally ended. We recap the situation, and talk about what’s next.

Also this week: the latest on the Hooker Road development, where a property owner has tried repeatedly — and unsuccessfully — to turn a mobile park to a denser residential project. And we check in on a couple of ABC issues, including how (and why) $140,000 worth of liquor was destroyed by restoration teams in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence, plus we talk about the latest push to eliminate the state-run liquor monopoly altogether.

If you missed any of these stories, you can catch up below. Then take a deeper dive with our weekly podcast.

CFPUA accidentally added sulfur dioxide to water instead of chlorine

Wilmington will pay double initial cost in River Place eminent domain settlements

Hooker Road development proposal heads to Planning Commission again, neighbors oppose project

Plea deal ends child pornography case, Justin Brochure released from custody

Timeline of Oak Island’s attempts to withhold information linking mayor to child-porn charges

Head of New Hanover ABC opposes bill that would eliminate state monopoly on alcohol sales

After Florence, New Hanover ABC destroyed nearly $140k worth of liquor. Here’s how, and why



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