SOUTHPORT — Noren Foundation has provided funds to Dosher Memorial Hospital Foundation to purchase new equipment that strengthens response time in cardiac arrest situations and increases a patient’s survival rate.
Nine new Metro crash carts will be purchased for $60,000, according to a release from Dosher Memorial Hospital Foundation. The carts are used during code blue instances and help with resuscitation quality improvement (RQI) technology training.
“RQI technology improves an employee’s competency in Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) and Basic Life Support (BLS),” the release notes.
Over the past eight years, the Noren Foundation has provided $275,000 in grant funding to Dosher.
“We are extremely grateful,” Lynda Stanley, president and CEO of Dosher, said in a release. “Having access to the most advanced equipment makes a difference in the quality of patient care.”
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