Thursday, February 13, 2025

Daylight saving time safety reminders: Get more rest, test your smoke alarms

Daylight saving time goes into effect Sunday, Mar. 13, 2 a.m., meaning the sun rises and sets later, as clocks are wound forward an hour. This time of year also brings with it two safety reminders: Get more rest to ensure driving safety and test your smoke alarms to ensure fire safety.

The week following daylight saving time, there are an increase in fatal car accidents by 6% according to one study.

The N.C. Department of Transportation suggests:

  • Ensure your vehicle’s exterior and interior lights are working properly. 
  • Stay alter for bicyclists and pedestrians. 
  • Keep your windshield clean to improve visibility. 
  • Be well rested and never drive drowsy.

In addition to motorist and driving safety, the American Red Cross reminds people to “Turn and Test” every year as the clocks spring ahead. It’s a good reminder to make sure the smoke alarms in your home are properly functioning, as they can reduce the risk of death from a home fire by 50%. 

Smoke alarms should be installed on every level of a home and batteries replaced once annually. Alarms 10 years old or older should be replaced in general. 

To learn more on the American Red Cross Fire Campaign, go to the Home Fire Campaign website.

More safe driving tips can be found on the NCDOT’s night driving webpage.  

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Shea Carver
Shea Carver
Shea Carver is the editor in chief at Port City Daily. A UNCW alumna, Shea worked in the print media business in Wilmington for 22 years before joining the PCD team in October 2020. She specializes in arts coverage — music, film, literature, theatre — the dining scene, and can often be tapped on where to go, what to do and who to see in Wilmington. When she isn’t hanging with her pup, Shadow Wolf, tending the garden or spinning vinyl, she’s attending concerts and live theater.

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