Erosion and high tides have led to the town placing several restrictions on visiting Freeman Park.
CAROLINA BEACH — Bad news for anyone hoping to take a day trip to Freeman Park at Carolina Beach: after placing several restrictions on visitors due to erosion and high tides the town has decided not to issue any more day passes to the park.
There are also some limitations for camping going into place and the town will restrict all camping north of ‘Zone J’ (see the zones on the image above) until further notice.
Higher tides are expected in the coming days, with a 4.6-foot high tide by June 30, and nearly 6-foot tide on July 4 predicted.
According to a Town of Carolina Beach press release, “Freeman Park has seen extensive erosion approaching Zone J. Areas north of this zone are not passible with a vehicle. Over the next few weeks, we do not anticipate the situation improving as tides will be increasing.”
Daily assessment will continue by public safety personnel to determine if and when additional sections of the park can safely be opened or additional closures are required. The following limitations have been set:
1. No vehicles will be allowed past the marked closure located at Zone J. Violations will be issued to any patron driving past a designated closure. Patrons of the park may still walk past this point.
2. No vehicle shall operate or park in the tidal zone (wet sand area).
3. Lifeguards will only patrol on the areas of Freeman Park where vehicles are allowed.
4. Until further notice, no day passes will be sold. Annual passes may still be purchased.
5. Intermittent closures are anticipated to occur due to limited beach area and level of patron use.
6. Camping will be limited to designated spaces south of Zone J. Campers with reservations are urged to call 1-866-330-7275 to verify continued availability.
7. Pending lunar new moon tidal surges, access to Freeman Park may result in additional restrictions and closures.
8. For the latest updates on Freeman Park status check in on the Town of Carolina Beach Facebook page.”