WILMINGTON — The rise of mixed-use developments in the City of Wilmington is not just reserved for 100-acre projects. Plans for a smaller scale project have been submitted to the city’s Planning Commission to rezone an approximately 1-acre parcel of land on Wrightsville Avenue for a mixed-use development.
In an effort to address what they call responsible development in the city, as well as New Hanover County, local leaders have called for the creation of more mixed-use developments. Mixed-use developments are those developments that offer a variety of uses including retail, residential, and office space in one location.
In theory, these developments help reduce traffic and congestion by minimizing the number of trips taken by residents who are able to live, work, and shop all in one location. – but some people question the effectiveness of these developments.
The proposed Trolley Station Mixed-Use would be located at 6789 Wrightsville Avenue, which is located catawampus of the ABC Store heading east, toward Wrightsville Beach.
According to plans submitted to the city, the project would consist of a 3-story building incorporating retail, office, and residential space.
According to the developer’s application, “The Wrightsville Sound Small Area Plan included a goal to provide a convenient mix of land uses that offer options for residents while ensuring new development is compatible with the surrounding area … Rezoning this property for provision of both commercial uses and some residential units would be consistent with the concept of in-filling parcels where existing utilities and other urban services are available.”
The development would have a total floor area of 10,800-square-feet and only offer three residential units, along with 3,240-square-feet retail and the same amount of office space.
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