Tuesday, February 18, 2025

While in Wilmington, Donald Trump promises a win in North Carolina and the country

Donald Trump spoke before 5,000 people at Wilmington International Airport on Saturday --- one of several stops he is making in the Tar Hell state before Tuesday's presidential election.
Donald Trump spoke before 5,000 people at Wilmington International Airport on Saturday — one of several stops he is making in the Tar Heel state before Tuesday’s presidential election. (See our slideshow below.)

WILMINGTON — Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump on Saturday did not need to say much to energize the roughly 5,000 people who were allowed into Wilmington International Airport to see one of his last appearances in the Tar Heel State before Tuesday’s election. Attendees were excited to hear the businessman’s rallying cry to voters from the time they entered the venue.

[Check out a recap of our live blog.]

Introduced by his wife, Melania, a different picture of Trump was painted than the one Trump said was being reported by the “crooked media.”

“He is running for president not for himself, but for you, the American people,” Melania Trump said. “This is so much more than a political campaign; it is a movement … a movement for all of those working hard for a better tomorrow, for themselves … for their families.”

Donald Trump wasted no time getting to the points he has hammered repeatedly in recent weeks, starting with the polls. Trump claimed to be winning in key battleground states, including North Carolina, and he promised a win.

“I can tell you, we are going to win and we are going to win big,” he said to the delight of the crowd.

He spent much of his time on Hillary Clinton’s email scandals, to which the crowd responded alternately with boos and chants of “lock her up.”

“How about if she’s running the country?” he asked. “She can’t even run an email.”

He then turned to her record as Secretary of State, making the claims he had made in the presidential debates that President Barack Obama’s policies, while Clinton was Secretary of State, empowered ISIS and created turmoil in the Middle East, while weakening the safety of Americans within their own country due to an influx of potential terrorists through Syrian refugees.  He vowed to end the refugee acceptance program on his first day in office.

It was not the only thing Trump promised to eliminate from the Obama terms in office. In addition to promising to eliminate all of the executive orders of the president, he vowed to repeal Obamacare.

Trump, noting the crowd was happy, said he did not want to ruin their mood by talking about how much premiums were increasing in North Carolina, but he cited other states, warning that massive increases were in store for Americans if his opponent became president.

Trump also returned to a topic he has received much criticism for from some people, minorities in inner cities. Trump vowed to bring jobs, safety and school choice to the inner cities, asking:  “What the hell do you have to lose? Give us a chance.”

Trump also didn’t reserve his comments for his Democratic opponent. He fired criticisms squarely at Obama for campaigning for Clinton, and using Air Force 1 to do so.

“Whose paying for Air Force 1?” He asked, to which the crowd responded “We are.”

“We have a leader, all he is doing is campaigning for crooked Hillary,” Trump said. “He should not be campaigning for Hillary Clinton. He should be in the White House working on jobs. He should be working on making our country safe.”

Trump ended with another vow to win on Tuesday: “With your vote, we are just three days away from the change you’ve been waiting for your entire life,” he said. “Together we will make America wealthy again … safe again and we will make America great again.”

Trump left Wilmington immediately for a campaign rally in Nevada. He is due back in the state on Monday, for a stop in Raleigh.

Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine is also scheduled to be in Wilmington on Monday. He is speaking at Brooklyn Arts Center. The event begins at 1:30 and is open to the public.

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