Meet Ashley Michael and Ashley-Nicole Russell of Michael & Russell PLLC.
- Do you have a nickname?
- Ashley-Nicole: ANR
- Ashley: No nickname
- Is there a food you will not eat?
- Ashley-Nicole: Haven’t found one yet!
- Ashley: Olives
- What is your favorite movie?
- Ashley-Nicole: Forces of Nature
- Ashley: Goonies
- What is the one quality you admire most in others?
- Ashley-Nicole: Strong work ethic
- Ashley: Honesty
- What is the next place you would like to visit?
- Ashley-Nicole: Maldives
- Ashley: Fiji
- Where would you take a tourist in town?
- Ashley-Nicole: Smoke on the Water, Little Dipper
- Ashley: Fort Fisher Ferry to Southport
- Describe your perfect day off?
- Ashley-Nicole: Yacht rental
- Ashley: Beach and a book!