Friday, January 17, 2025

Brunswick County seeks feedback from travelers, residents on transportation

BRUNSWICK COUNTY – A new survey put out by Brunswick County and the N.C. Department of Transportation is asking residents what improvements they’d like to see in local transportation in the coming decades.

The Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Survey will help the county pen a 30-year plan for its transportation network.

Any residents, visitors and other commuters who travel across the county are encouraged to participate in the 20-minute questionnaire. Participants will rank their top five priorities for the county’s transportation network as well as their preferences of travel. Survey respondents may also pinpoint areas where there’s congestion or attention needed.

The survey considers cars, public buses, shuttles and ferries, walking and biking, rail and air services, and any other mode of transportation.

“The more input we receive, the better we can communicate to the State about what Brunswick County’s transportation needs are for future funding allocations,” Planning Director Kirstie Dixon said in a press release. “Transportation is an integral factor in our communities’ quality of life, so we are hopeful this survey will resonate and engage with several people in the months to come.”

The survey has received 1,400 responses as of its launch last week. It will remain open through Sunday, June 9, in both English and Spanish.

People can also request a paper copy through the Brunswick County Planning Department by calling 910-253-2025. The completed survey can be mailed or emailed to Chris Palsgrove at 1554 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 2769 or

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Alexandria Sands
Alexandria Sands
Alexandria Sands is a journalist covering New Hanover County and education. Before Port City Daily, she reported for the award-winning State Port Pilot in Southport. She graduated from UNC Charlotte and wrote for several Charlotte publications while there. When not writing, Williams is most likely in the gym, reading or spending time with her Golden Pyrenees. Reach her at or on Twitter @alexsands_

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