WILMINGTON — Send us your evil eyes and crooked smiles!
Port City Daily is celebrating Halloween by carving pumpkins, and we’re inviting you to join us.
According to The History Channel, the practice of carving Jack-o’-lanterns arrived in America from Ireland, where turnips and potatoes were carved and placed in windows to scare away evil spirits. Today, the fiery eyes behind the orange pumpkin serve as a marker for trick-or-treaters — not, scaring away, but rather, drawing in ghouls and goblins of a different nature.
Port City Daily, along with its sister stations, 93.7 and 106.3 FM The Dude and 98.3 FM The Penguin, want to celebrate the creativity behind your guiding gourds.
Send photos of your pumpkin carvings, along with a name and age of the carver, for us to share with our readers. The best carvings in two age categories — over 15 years old and, 15 years old and under — will be put to our readers in the week prior to Halloween for a vote.
Send via email to PCD@portcitydaily.com
Tag us on Instagram and Twitter, using the hashtag #PCDpumpkins
Submit them through our Facebook page
The best pumpkins in the 15 and under category will win a family four pack to Battle House Tactical Laser Tag. The best pumpkin in the over 15 category will win a $200 gift certificate to The Seasoned Gourmet.
You can submit your pumpkin photos in four ways: Send via email to PCD@portcitydaily.com; tag us on Instagram and Twitter, using the hashtag #PCDpumpkins; or submit them through our Facebook page
Send enough photos to show all of your pumpkin’s details. Include your name, age, and city/town of residence, which will be published with your photos.
You may submit multiple pumpkin photos, but only the two prizes described will be issued. Only one prize per household will be issued as well.
Winners will be required to submit an address and provide identification, but not for publication. Winners may also be asked to bring their pumpkins to our studios — if possible — so that we may take promotional photos.
Any questions on eligibility or rules? Email us at PCD@portcitydaily.com. The deadline to submit your photos is midnight on Thursday, Oct. 27. Now, get carving!
(Save 30 percent on your pumpkins here.)