Saturday, October 12, 2024

The Agenda: NHC Project Grace agreement, second reading for proposed Wawa

Monday, May 15

Wilmington City Council will hold an agenda review at 8:30 a.m. at city hall, 102 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube.

The North Carolina State Ports Authority Finance Committee will meet at 3 p.m. in the board room of the North Carolina Maritime Building, 2202 Burnett Boulevard. Members of the public are welcome; an agenda was not posted by press.

The Kure Beach Town Council will meet at 6 p.m. in council chambers at town hall, 117 Settlers Lane. The agenda includes:

  • Presentation of budget message, draft FY23-24 budget ordinance and fee schedule
  • Review and discussion of the 2023 Emergency Operations Plan functional annexes

Brunswick County Board of Commissioners meet at Commissioners’ Chambers, Sandifer Administration Building, 30 Government Center Dr. in Bolivia, 6 p.m. Items on the agenda include ARPA nonprofit Community Assistance Grant awards, Southport wastewater study and design amendment and ARPA project Bookmobile.

Leland Town Council meets at 1 p.m. in town hall. The agenda includes a petition to voluntary annex 20 acres along Chappell Loop Road, East of US Highway 17, a staff update on Leland’s potential tree ordinance and upcoming events. Meetings can be streamed here.

Pender County Board of Commissioners will meet at 4 p.m. at the Pender County Public Assembly Room, 805 S. Walker St. in Burgaw. The meeting can be livestreamed here. A few items on the agenda include:

  • Consideration to declare Corporate Drive and Acme Way within Pender Commerce Park as public roads
  • Consideration of an NCDOT resolution for roadway improvements at NC 210/Island Creek Road/Dallie Futch Road
  • Discussion regarding a draft ordinance amendment to prohibit smoking, vaping, and tobacco use in Pender County parks

The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. at NHC Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive. The meeting can be livestreamed on NHCTV and YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:

  • Public hearing and consideration of approval of a development agreement with Cape Fear Development Partners for Project Grace. Read PCD coverage here.
  • A presentation on the FY24 budget and FY24-28 capital improvement plan
  • Fiscal year 2022-2023 third quarter financial results

Tuesday, May 16

The New Hanover County Board of Education Policy Committee will meet at 10 a.m. at the Board of Education Center, 1802 S. 15th St. Meetings can be livestreamed here. The agenda includes: 

  • Policy 2230: Board committees
  • Policy 4351: Short-term suspension
  • Policy 7820 – Personnel files

The Town of Burgaw Police Advisory Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic Train Depot, 115 S. Dickerson St.

The Pender County Parks and Rec Advisory Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the Pender County Public Assembly Room, 805 S. Walker St. in Burgaw.

The Surf City Beautification and Enhancement Committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. at the Surf City Municipal Complex, 214 W. Florence Way. 

The Brunswick County Board of Elections will meet at 6 p.m. in the Commissioners’ Chambers, David Sandifer Administration Building, 30 Government Center Dr. in Bolivia. Agenda items include adding a polling place to Bald Head Island.

Wilmington City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. at city hall, 102 N. Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:

  • A public hearing on the city’s proposed FY24 budget
  • A second reading on a rezoning on 17th Street to allow for Wawa to be built. Read PCD coverage here.
  • Resolution to award a $126,578 contract to Good Shepherd Ministries for pre-development costs associated with constructing permanent supportive housing at 3939 Carolina Beach Road. Read PCD coverage here.
  • An ordinance appropriating $3.1 million from the public facilities capital projects fund for the RiverLights Fire Station

The Southport Board of Aldermen will hold a special budget workshop at 1 p.m.  in the Southport Community Building, 223 E. Bay St. Meetings are livestreamed here

Wednesday, May 17

The Pender County Board of Adjustment will meet at 9 a.m. at the Pender County Public Assembly Room, 805 S. Walker St. in Burgaw. The meeting can be livestreamed here. The only item on the agenda is a request from a commercial motocross track to appeal an administrative decision for operating without a special use permit.

The Surf City Board of Adjustment will meet at 3 p.m. at the Surf City Municipal Complex, 214 W. Florence Way. 

The Topsail Beach Board of Commissioners will hold a budget workshop at 9 a.m. The meeting can be livestreamed here.

The Brunswick Regional Water and Sewer H2GO will meet at 6 p.m. in Belville Town Hall. Items on the agenda include Magnolia at Mallory Creek Phase 1, Compass Pointe and Lowe’s Home Improvement infrastructure. Department reports and discussion with legal counsel also will take place.

Leland Tourism Development Authority meets at 4 p.m. in town hall. The agenda can be viewed here.

The Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Technical Coordinating Committee will meet at 10 a.m. on the fourth floor of 305 Chestnut St. in Wilmington. The meeting can be livestreamed via Zoom. A few items on the agenda include:

  • Resolution approving the WMPO FY24 direct attributable project submittal guidelines and scoring criteria
  • Discussion of final draft of NCDOT’s STIP and project changes
  • NCDOT funding swaps for federal August redistribution

Thursday, May 18

The Cape Fear Community College Board of Trustees will meet at 5 p.m. at Union Station, 502 N. Front St. Meetings can be livestreamed here. An agenda was not posted by press.

The Town of Burgaw Planning and Zoning Board will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic Train Depot, 115 S. Dickerson St.

The Pender County Board of Commissioners will hold a budget session at 4 p.m. at the Pender County Public Assembly Room, 805 S. Walker St. in Burgaw. The agenda can be found here.

The Topsail Beach Beach Inlet Sound Committee will meet at 2 p.m. at town hall, 820 S. Anderson Blvd. The livestream link and agenda can be found here.

The Wilmington Board of Adjustment will meet at 1 p.m. at city hall, 102 N Third St. The meeting can be livestreamed on GTV8 and YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:

  • Appeal of a notice of violation at 5709 Wrightsville Ave for required mitigation of the removal of trees within the common area of a multi-dwelling residential district
  • A variance request for 1227 S. Third St. for access requirements in the urban mixed use district
  • A variance to increase in area for a projecting sign and location of projecting sign in the CBD, at Cotton Exchange

New Hanover County ABC Board will meet at 6009 Market St. at 9 a.m. An agenda was not posted by press.

The Oak Island Planning Board will meet at 10:30 a.m. in council chambers at Oak Island town hall, 4601 E. Oak Island Drive. The meetings can be livestreamed here. The agenda includes: 

  • Discussion of tree protection overlay district
  • Discussion of special use permits

The Southport Planning Board will meet at 6 p.m.  in the Southport Community Building, 223 E. Bay St. The agenda includes:

  • Illuminated sign text amendment 
  • Conditional zoning text amendment
  • Tree ordinance discussion

The Navassa Town Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. at 338 Main Street. An agenda was not posted by press. 

Friday, May 19

The Surf City Town Council will hold a work session at 9 a.m. at the Surf City Municipal Complex, 214 W. Florence Way. The meeting can be livestreamed on YouTube. A few items on the agenda include:

  • Discussion about the East Coast Greenway
  • An ordinance amendment for parking citations
  • A presentation from WMPO about possibly expanding its boundaries to include Surf City

The Bald Head Island Village Council will meet at 10 a.m. at the Public Safety Complex. 273 Edward Teach Extension. Meetings can be livestreamed here. An agenda was not posted by press.

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